Fiction, Poetry
3 years
A writing program should be easily affordable. All MFA students here receive a full tuition waiver. They also receive a fellowship and teaching-assistantship package currently worth $22,000 a year for the duration of the three-year program.
In their first year, MFA candidates team-teach English Comp 1101 and 1102. In their second and third years, MFA candidates may teach creative writing workshops in their concentration, composition courses (English 1101 and 1102), Writing for Engineers, or other courses of their choice as part of a 2/1 or 1/2 teaching load. MFA candidates are guaranteed one section of creative writing in both the second and third years. In addition MFA candidates with expertise in fields outside creative writing may be given the opportunity to teach academic courses in their areas of expertise and to serve as TAs to faculty teaching lecture courses.
During their three years at UF, MFA candidates are given the opportunity to work on Subtropics, our internationally recognized literary journal. For this work they receive elective credit.
Although at present we offer degrees only in poetry and fiction, we encourage cross-genre work and often have students in our fiction program whose work defies simple genre definitions.
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