New York, NY
School notesMFA
Fiction, Poetry, Drama
36 semester hours (2 years)
Partial funding is available to all students in the form of tuition waivers and named scholarships; no separate scholarship application is required. MFA candidates may also teach undergraduate composition and can offer their services to the Brooklyn College Learning Center, which employs a full complement of tutors who work with mostly undergraduate students. There are also some awards with money attached that are specific to the MFA program, including the Himan Brown Award, the Ross Feld Award, and the Lainoff Prize, which students can apply for once they're enrolled.
Students who wish to teach while they are enrolled in the MFA program, but who don't have prior composition teaching experience at the college level, are required to take English 7506, Practicum in Teaching College-Level Composition (which counts toward the MFA degree requirements as an elective). The course includes a tutor-internship in an instructor's classroom. After completing 7506, students may be assigned to teach their own section of a composition course, English 1010 or English 1012, which pays roughly $3800/semester. Students may teach for up to three years. There are also teaching opportunities at other CUNY schools.
Students have the opportunity to work on the Brooklyn Review, a student edited literary journal originally founded by Alan Ginsberg.
The program offers one intergenre workshop per academic year in which students from any discipline may enroll.
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