William Logan


Poet and critic William Logan was born in Boston in 1950 and earned degrees from Yale University and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Since 1974, his work—both poetry and criticism—has regularly appeared in major journals and publications such as the New Yorker, the New York Times, the Paris Review, Poetry, and the New Criterion. He is the author of numerous books of poetry, including Sad-Faced Men (1982), Sullen Weedy Lakes (1988), Vain Empires (1998), Poetry and the Age (2000), Strange Flesh (2008), Madame X (2012) and Rift of Light (2017). He has also published eight books of criticism and won the Aiken Taylor Award in Modern American Poetry (2013), the National Book Critics Circle Award in Criticism (2005) and the Randall Jarrell Award in Poetry Criticism (2005).

Prize anthology mentions

Pushcart (CNF) 2014*

* indicates notable/special mention

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