Cincinnati, OH
School notesPhD
Fiction, Poetry, CNF
4 years
The Department of English awards a wide variety of financial aid based on academic merit. All eligible program applications complete before the February 1 deadline will be considered for departmental financial aid. The University Graduate Scholarship (UGS) award grants a full or substantial waiver of tuition, and is awarded competitively to graduate students who demonstrate academic excellence. The Graduate Assistantship (GA) award provides a stipend in addition to a UGS award. A significant proportion of financial aid offered by the English Department is in the form of the GA. Graduate Assistants teach one section of English Composition per term, with three office hours each week. Teaching, preparation, conferences, grading, and related activities require approximately twenty hours per week. Advanced doctoral students may have the opportunity to teach a sophomore-level literature or creative writing class. Elliston and Schiff Fellowships are awarded to entering doctoral students of superior academic qualifications who have demonstrated capabilities as poets or fiction writers. The Fellowships typically include a stipend enhancement in addition to a UGS and GA; the assistantship includes at least one term of teaching Creative Writing.
The teacher training program prepares students to teach composition, and also examines the pedagogy of literature and creative writing. Students have the opportunity to take an additional creative writing pedagogy course as well.
All students have the opportunity to volunteer for our nationally prominent literary journal, The Cincinnati Review, and PhD students may apply for two-year editorial fellowships.
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