Troy Jollimore


Troy Jollimore is the author of three books of poetry and three books of philosophy, as well as numerous articles, essays, and reviews. His first collection of poetry, Tom Thomson in Purgatory, won the National Book Critics Circle award in poetry for 2006. His third, Syllabus of Errors, appeared on the New York Times' list of the best books of poetry published in 2015.

His poems have appeared in publications including the New Yorker, Poetry Magazine, McSweeney’s, the New England Review, Subtropics, and Tin House. His essays have been published or are forthcoming in venues including Conjunctions, the Kenyon Review, Zyzzyva, and the Boston Review, and he is a frequent book reviewer for publications including the Barnes and Noble Review, the Chicago Tribune, and the Washington Post.

In 2013 he was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in poetry. He has also received fellowships from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference and the Stanford Humanities Center in Palo Alto, California.

Born in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, he was an undergraduate at the University of Kings College and Dalhousie University, before moving to the U.S., where he earned a Ph.D. in Philosophy at Princeton under the direction of Harry Frankfurt.

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Essays 2019*

Best American Essays 2020*

Best American Poetry 2020

* indicates notable/special mention

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