Terese Svoboda


Terese Svoboda is the author of 20 books of fiction, poetry, memoir, translation and biography. She is also the recipient of a Guggenheim, the Iowa Prize for Poetry, the Graywolf Nonfiction Prize, Jerome Prize for video, NEH translation award, an O. Henry, a Pushcart, 3 New York Foundation for the Arts grants, a PEN/Columbia Translation Fellow, and enjoyed residencies at Bellagio, Bogliasco, Swan Island, Yaddo, MacDowell, Ossabaw, Headlands, Hawthornden, Hermitage, Rowland, VCCA, and the James Merrill House.

Prize anthology mentions

Pushcart (Fiction) 2009*

Pushcart (Fiction) 2011*

* indicates notable/special mention

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Disclaimer: No endorsement of these ratings should be implied by the writers and writing programs listed on this site, or by the editors and publishers of Best American Short Stories, Best American Essays, Best American Poetry, The O. Henry Prize Stories and The Pushcart Prize Anthology.