T Kira Madden is an APIA writer, photographer, and amateur magician living in New York City. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College. She served as the Fiction Editor for Lumina and program coordinator of a creative writing workshop at the Valhalla Correctional Facility in Valhalla, New York. She is the Founding Editor-in-chief of No Tokens, a print journal of literature and art, and the founding curator of Krapp Shot, a reading and performance series in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. She created a writing program at The Doe Fund, a shelter for homeless and formerly incarcerated individuals, and currently teaches at Gotham Writers' Workshop. She is the recipient of fellowships from Yaddo, Hedgebrook, The MacDowell Colony, Tin House, Disquiet, and Summer Literary Seminars, for which she won the Editor's Choice Award in fiction. A 2017 NYSCA/NYFA Artist Fellow in nonfiction literature from the New York Foundation for the Arts, her debut memoir is forthcoming from Bloomsbury in 2019.
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