Susanna Childress

Susanna Childress holds a Master’s from The University of Texas at Austin and a PhD from Florida State University. Her first book, Jagged with Love, was selected by Billy Collins for the 2005 BRITTINGHAM PRIZE in Poetry from the University of Wisconsin and the Devil’s Kitchen Reading Award from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Her second book, Entering the House of Awe, was published in the Green Rose Series from NEW ISSUES PRESS and won the 2012 Society of Midland Authors Award. She has received an AWP Intro Journals Award, a Michener Center thesis fellowship, the Creative Writing Award in Poetry from the National Society of Arts and Letters, the Kingsbury fellowship from Florida State, and a LILLY POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP in the Humanities and the Arts. Recently, Sherman Alexie selected one of her poems for The Best American Poetry series for 2015. She is an associate poetry editor at 32 POEMS, writes short fiction and creative nonfiction, and comprises half of the music group ORDINARY NEIGHBORS, whose full-length album, The Necessary Dark, draws on her writing (the other half is wildly talented Joshua Banner, her spouse). She lives in Holland, Michigan, and is an Assistant Professor of ENGLISH AT HOPE COLLEGE.

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Poetry 2015

Best American Essays 2020*

* indicates notable/special mention

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