Rose Burke


Freelance writer and art enthusiast, Rose Burke, often writes humorous essays inspired by awkward dating experiences and life’s cruel sense of humor. When she's not doing that, she's typically writing entertainment articles on celebrity news, movies, relationships, and other trending topics her readers love. Rose's work has been published in several literary magazines including The Southampton Review, The Conium Review, and The Starving Writer as well as in several online magazines such as The Richest, CinemaBlend, and The Bolde.

Not-so-shockingly, the most noteworthy moment of her childhood occurred at the Scholastic Book Fair where Jon Scieszka signed her very own copy of "The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales" and labeled her his “favorite stinker."

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Essays 2016*

* indicates notable/special mention


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