Ron Capps


Ron Capps was a soldier for 25 years. He enlisted in the National Guard in 1983, received a commission in 1985 and served on active duty for nine years before returning to the Army Reserve. As a reservist, he was re-called a number of times to active service including work with special operations forces in central Africa, a combat tour in Afghanistan in 2002 and 2003, and work as an international peacekeeper in Darfur. Ron served as a Foreign Service officer from 1994-2008 with postings in Kosovo, Rwanda, Iraq and Sudan. Now retired from government service, e is on the faculty of the University of Maryland and directs the Veterans Writing Project, a non-profit organization that provides no-cost creative writing and songwriting seminars and workshops for veterans.

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Essays 2012*

Best American Essays 2014*

Best American Essays 2015*

Pushcart (CNF) 2015*

* indicates notable/special mention

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