Laura Brown-Lavoie

Laura Brown-Lavoie is a farmer and a poet. A lifelong New Englander, she has been working on farms since 2008 - first as a WWOOF volunteer in France, and then in Providence on several local farms. After a summer helping to establish an organic farm for a restaurant in Maine in 2010, Laura returned to Providence to seek out a suitable city lot on which to start her own urban farming operation. In 2011, she convinced Tess and Fay to move to Providence and they broke ground on Harrison St, which has since blossomed into the Providence hub of Sidewalk Ends Farm. In the fall of 2018, as the farm business wound down, Laura began doing work as a doula, and is devoted to finishing her first book of poetry. She is the 2018-2019 Providence Public Library Creative Fellow, and will be found in the garden on Harrison St. tending the herbs come spring.

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Essays 2010*

* indicates notable/special mention

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