Kate Lebo


Kate Lebo is the author of Pie School: Lessons in Fruit, Flour, and Butter (Sasquatch Books), and A Commonplace Book of Pie (Chin Music Press). Her essay about listening through hearing loss, “The Loudproof Room,” originally published in New England Review, is forthcoming from Best American Essays 2015. Other poems, essays, commentary, and recipes have appeared in Best New Poets, Gastronomica, Willow Springs, AGNI, Hobart, The Washington Post, and Poetry Northwest, among other places. She works with food writers privately to midwife their cookbook manuscripts, and she teaches creative writing at literary arts centers across the nation. A graduate of the University of Washington’s MFA program, she’s the recipient of a Nelson Bentley Fellowship, the Joan Grayston Poetry Prize, and a grant from 4Culture.

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Essays 2015

* indicates notable/special mention

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