Jane Hufman


Jane Huffman is a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop and is editor-in-chief of Guesthouse, an online literary journal. Her work has appeared in the New Yorker, Poetry, Gulf Coast, the Kenyon Review, the Iowa Review, and elsewhere. She was a 2019 recipient of the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. She teaches undergraduate writing courses at the University of Iowa and works as a freelance editor and creative consultant for poets, essayists, and fictionists. She is currently taking on new clients.

Prize anthology mentions

Pushcart (Poetry) 2021*

* indicates notable/special mention

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Disclaimer: No endorsement of these ratings should be implied by the writers and writing programs listed on this site, or by the editors and publishers of Best American Short Stories, Best American Essays, Best American Poetry, The O. Henry Prize Stories and The Pushcart Prize Anthology.