Emily Strasser


Emily Strasser is a writer based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She received her MFA in nonfiction from the University of Minnesota in 2016. Her essays have appeared in Catapult, Ploughshares, Guernica, Colorado Review, The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, and Tricycle, and twice listed as notable by Best American Essays. She was a winner of the 2015 Ploughshares Emerging Writer’s Contest, and 2016 AWP Intro Award. Her writing and research have been supported by the Minnesota State Arts Board, the Jerome Foundation, the W.K. Rose Fellowship from Vassar College, the Olive B. O'Connor Fellowship from Colgate University, the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, and the Camargo Foundation. She is a 2019-2020 McKnight Writing Fellow. She's working on a book about nuclear weapons history, inherited guilt, and her family's ties to the once-secret nuclear city of Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Essays 2016*

Best American Essays 2017*

* indicates notable/special mention

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Disclaimer: No endorsement of these ratings should be implied by the writers and writing programs listed on this site, or by the editors and publishers of Best American Short Stories, Best American Essays, Best American Poetry, The O. Henry Prize Stories and The Pushcart Prize Anthology.