Andrew Slough

Andrew grew up in the small ski-resort town of Sun Valley, Idaho, where, unbeknownst to him at the time, he was influenced heavily by his dad’s work as a ski writer and photographer. After high school he spent a good part of his college years studying in Australia and Brazil. Having graduated from a stint at Miami Ad School, he went on to work at CPB in Miami and Boulder before moving on to DeutschLA, Saatchi & Saatchi and 180LA as an integrated producer on all sorts of brands, from Slim Jim to Toyota. NYC has been the most recent stop for him, first to work at Saatchi & Saatchi and currently at Droga5.
Aside from agency production, he has freelanced as a photographer for the past six years, and has worked for Coachella and SXSW, along with numerous magazines, modeling agencies and brands. His most notable work came from shooting stills and directing music videos for the LA gangsta-rap label Hoo-Bangin’ Records, founded by Mack 10; that work has been featured in Art Basel Europe and multiple photography expos.
Andrew enjoys chasing the surf whenever the occasion arises and navigating the streets of New York on his bike to keep his inner Southern Californian alive and well.

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Essays 2017*

* indicates notable/special mention

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