Alyssa Pelish


Alyssa Pelish writes, teaches, and edits in New York. Her essays, articles, fiction, and reviews have appeared in Harper’s,  The Paris Review online, Slate, Los Angeles Review of Books, The Smart Set, The QuarterlyConversation, Science, PopMatters, 3 Quarks Daily,  Rain Taxi Review of Books,  The Denver Quarterly, On the Issues Magazine, The Chimaera, MAYDAY, Identity Theory, the New England Review, and Cabinet (forthcoming).

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Short Stories 2018*

Best American Essays 2021*

* indicates notable/special mention

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Disclaimer: No endorsement of these ratings should be implied by the writers and writing programs listed on this site, or by the editors and publishers of Best American Short Stories, Best American Essays, Best American Poetry, The O. Henry Prize Stories and The Pushcart Prize Anthology.