Tyler Keevil


Tyler Keevil is an award-winning author from Vancouver, Canada. He writes novels, short stories, creative non-fiction, and screenlays.  He studied English and Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia, and while there took part in an exchange program that brought him to Lancaster University. After graduating, he lived in Prague for a time, before returning to the UK on a work visa, and eventually settling in Mid Wales. There he got a job with Theatr Powys, a theatre in education company, and at the same time began submitting his stories to various periodicals. Since then, he has received several awards for his short fiction and filmmaking.  He writes both literary and genre fiction, and his work has appeared in a wide range of magazines and anthologies, including BraceInterzoneNew Welsh Review, and PRISM: International.

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Essays 2018*

* indicates notable/special mention

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Disclaimer: No endorsement of these ratings should be implied by the writers and writing programs listed on this site, or by the editors and publishers of Best American Short Stories, Best American Essays, Best American Poetry, The O. Henry Prize Stories and The Pushcart Prize Anthology.