Peter Everwine

Peter Everwine was born in Detroit and raised in western Pennsylvania. He has published seven collections of poetry, including Listening Long and Late _(2013), Figures Made Visible in the Sadness of Time (2003)and Collecting the Animals (1973)which won the Lamont Poetry Prize in 1972. In a review of the collection Keeping the Night, the editor of the Olives of Oblivion blog noted Everwine’s “uncanny ability to combine the abstract with the real” through his juxtaposition of “sparse style” and “dense images.”
He is the recipient of multiple awards and honors, including a Pushcart Prize, fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, and a Guggenheim Fellowship, among others. His poetry has been featured in the
 Paris Review, the American Poetry Review_, and others. He also translates poetry from the Hebrew and Aztec languages.
He has taught at the California State University, Fresno, and Reed College. He lives in Fresno, California.

Prize anthology mentions

Pushcart (Poetry) 2010

Best American Poetry 2016

* indicates notable/special mention


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