Glenn Stout


As a full-time author since 1993, after beginning a free-lance career in 1986 Glenn Stout has written, ghostwritten or edited one hundred and one books. He served as Series Editor of The Best American Sports Writing and is Founding Editor of The Year’s Best Sporting Writing. As an editor and consultant, Glenn Stout has periodically consulted with authors on book proposals and manuscripts that have been published by major trade publishers, ghostwritten books with professional, academic and non-professional authors, served as editor for numerous award-winning longform journalism projects and led workshops in narrative non-fiction and book proposals. A Canadian/American, Stout received a B.A. from Bard College and an MLS from Simmons College. A film version of his biography of Trudy Ederle, Young Woman and the Sea, is in post-production from Disney.

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Essays 2020*

* indicates notable/special mention

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