Emily Fragos


Emily Fragos is an award-winning, widely published poet who teaches poetry writing at NYU and Columbia. She has also taught Shakespeare Studies, poetry, and world literature at Fordham University and the College of Mount Saint Vincent. She is the author of two books of poetry: Little Savage (Grove/Atlantic, 2004) and Hostage: New & Selected Poems (Sheep Meadow Press, 2011). Her work has appeared in Best American Poetry, The New Yorker, Poetry, The American Poetry Review, The Paris Review, Threepenny Review, Yale Review, Boston Review, Cimarron Review, and numerous other journals. She is the editor of five poetry anthologies from Everyman's Pocket Library/Knopf: Art and Artists; The Great Cat; The Dance; Music's Spell; and Letters: Emily Dickinson. Fragos has served as guest poetry editor for Guernica, and has written about dance for Pointe, Bomb, and Playbill. She is the recipient of a 2014 Guggenheim Fellowship in Poetry, and a 2014 American Academy of Arts and Letters Literature Award Winner.

Prize anthology mentions

Best American Poetry 2016

* indicates notable/special mention

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